Sunday, March 10, 2019

"The Girls"

Carlos Guastavino is a composer I've very recently been introduced to. Well, not personally. That's possible (he lived until 2000), but if it ever happened I don't know about it. Argentinian, by the way.

This little tune is an ideal end-of-day lullaby. It's got up moments to it, and may not be a self-conscious ode to sleep. But it has got the right sense of head-clearing serenity.


susan said...

It's so nice I listened to it twice. Musical notation is very beautiful to contemplate even while I understand it in only the most vague way.

Ben said...

I'm definitely in the same boat as you in terms of musical notation. I get that a half not is briefer than a whole note and so on, and I see these notes and fractions of notes moving up and down the scale, but I couldn't really put music together through these things. Still, it is pretty.