Monday, March 18, 2019

Big and little

This short is by an artist who specializes in sculpture installations that play with visual perspective. Like, if two people are in one of her pieces and you look at them from the outsize, one will look like a giant compared to the other even if they're both the same size. So that seems to be a productive area of thought for her.

I like this dreamy little film. The end feels like it should have Sousa's "Liberty Bell March" playing over it.


susan said...

That was weirdly entertaining. I must say my favorite part was watching
the little house being pulled backwards through the forest.

Harvard and Yale, eh?

Ben said...

Yeah, the house pulling was an inspired ending. That's what reminded me of Monty Python.

Guess someone at Harvard likes her? I looked up her own education and she seems to have gone to an art school in Michigan.