Saturday, January 5, 2019

Wet day, wet night

From the time I got up this morning until well into the night it was raining steadily today. For the most part not ridiculously thick. In the afternoon I walked down a couple of hills to the supermarket. I took my umbrella with me, although balancing that with the groceries was kind of a pain in the ass on the way back. When I was more than halfway home the rain got heavier. So even though I managed to avoid having any cars splash me, my jeans got soaked. They're on the radiator now. It is to be hoped they'll be dry again by tomorrow morning.

Still, I met someone I knew from an old job at the market and had a nice few minutes talking to them. Can't count myself too unlucky.


susan said...

Glad to hear your trousers dried by morning. Hope your socks did too.

Did I tell you they plant primroses and pansies here for winter?
They seem to do well in places where it rains a lot.

Ben said...

Jeans dried over a few hours. Helped that I pressed them to the top of the radiator. Think I alternated between two pairs of socks, but yeah, they dried off too.

It's nice there's a little color via flowers in the Victoria winter. Didn't Nanna keep pansies in her garden?

susan said...

Yes, they were her father's favorite flower.