Sunday, January 13, 2019


I picked up a wine glass today. Just a single one. And yes, "picked up" is the right word.

I stopped at a bus stop early in the afternoon. I'm not a bus, but I was waiting for one. And on the metal bench it's too cold to sit on, there was a little wine glass. Remnants of wine were in the bottom, largely frozen.

This definitely seemed like a case of "waste not, want not." Especially since if you leave glassware out on the street like that, it's only a matter of time before some young hooligan will break it. Now I previously had one glass, the last of a set of four where the other three weren't so lucky. The old glass and the new-to-me one don't match, but you can't have everything.

Now how did it get to be there in the first place? I'm curious. Could have, I guess, been a wedding party where the reception was nearby and one of the guests went wandering off with the stemware.


susan said...

This reminded me of Animal Crossing.

Dora: 'Do you have a cup on you?'
ditto: 'Not on me, no.'
Dora: 'It's always a good idea to have a clean cup on you when you go out anywhere.'
ditto: 'Why?'
Dora: 'So if you go over to that slob Rocco's place and he offers you some vichysoisse you won't have to worry about germs.'

Now you'll always have a wine glass on you if you run into a similar situation.

Ben said...

That little exchange does sum up the social world of Animal Crossing in neat miniature.

And yeah, I can keep the wine goblet in one pocket and a giant sledge hammer in the other. Just in case, you know.