Sunday, June 24, 2018

Grooming decisions

Once in a while I decide to try growing a beard. Well, growing one again. I had one for a few weeks in college.

It tends not to last long. Facial hair is itchy in that middle period. Then you wonder if it's going to be high maintenance when it grows out.

Anyway, this one, still in its early stages, is probably going away tomorrow. It might have stood a better chance if we weren't getting into summer.


susan said...

You're right the problem with them is knowing what to do with it once it's grown - Burl Ives or ZZ Top? Besides, as you said, summer may not be the best time to start.

Ben said...

Well, I wouldn't want to be tripping over the damn thing, so I definitely see Burl Ives as being more my style. Whose full name, by the way, was Burl Icle Ivanhoe Ives, which could hardly be more awesome.