Friday, April 27, 2018

Popsicle toes

I heard this today in the comments of another blog. Wasn't my first time hearing it, of course. But it was the first time I'd noticed the Bob & Ray influence. The main announcer is totally doing a Bob Elliott character. Both the husband and wife could be said to be in a Ray Goulding role. And it's all just a little more openly macabre, but there's a spiritual kinship.


susan said...

They were the epitome of multilayered drollery and you're absolutely right about them doing a perfect Bob and Ray on this one. I still remember hearing their first album for the first time - it came on the new FM station in Toronto late one night and suddenly all the conversation stopped.

"Speaking for the Great White Father in Washington and all the American people, let me say we respect you savages for your native ability to instantly adapt and survive in whatever Godforsaken wilderness we move you to. Out there."

There are far too many great lines to list but everybody remembers Nancy.

Ben said...

I can just imagine the room as people started to realize that this wasn't just a regular news break or DJ patter. A new world opening.

That's "Temporarily Humboldt County." A truly...well, for obvious reasons "savage" feels like the wrong word, but it's a merciless satire on what we've put the Native populations through.

"Or maybe...Betty Jo Biolofski."