Tuesday, June 2, 2020

In the key of sea

The sea organ, "played" by the tides, is an interesting concept. It's in the general Aeolian harp category, where sound is produced by the forces of nature. Certainly a feat, if lacking the personal touch of musicians who have to pick up their instrument.

There are sea organs in a few places worldwide, including Blackpool in Northern England and San Francisco. This one is in Zadar, on the Croatian coast. Don't know if it's loud enough to keep people staying on the beach awake at night.


susan said...

I think I could sit for hours listening to such a magnificent magical instrument. It's too bad there aren't more of them. One of my favourite things at Point Pleasant in Halifax was hearing the huge chattering sound of the waves striking the pebbled beach and then rolling away.

Once again you've come up with a very nicely undestated title for your post.

Ben said...

It's pretty ingenious. In Zadar's case it seems to have been made in order to make up for damage incurred in WWII. Which could of course be the case in Blackpool too.

Actually found some natural sounds from Point Pleasant Park. I see the appeal.

Thanks. Most of these headers are pretty spontaneous.