Sunday, September 16, 2018

composition & decomposition

I've been working on a short story. Never mind what it's about. (Well, at some point I may talk about it.) But my trouble, as happens so often, is that I tend to psych myself out. Put so much pressure on every little decision that it's easier to just avoid the whole subject and do something else. So I'm trying to un-psych myself. And who knows? I might even wind up with something presentable.


susan said...

Hmm, that could be true for a number of things, couldn't it?

As far as creative decisions are concerned, when I find myself overthinking individual parts of a drawing (or, worse, the actual painting) that means it's time to just go ahead and trust that the process will decide the end result. It usually works out okay even if it's not what I originally intended.

Ben said...

Now that you mention it...

It's interesting. I did sort of have a breakthrough on what I was doing, and it was largely by doing what you suggested. It's just that I had to find my own way of trusting that process. Maybe it's different for everyone. There's definitely more than one way.