Saturday, February 24, 2018

Arms race

This song was unknown to me. I just recently heard it when someone left it as a comment on a blog. (Not this one.)

This was a gift of Gil Scott-Heron. He could take topics that were tense and uncomfortable - and make no mistake, they still are - and make music out of them. Laid back music, yes. But the tension is still there, still felt.

Anyway, thought I'd share.


susan said...

Unsurprisingly, the only one I actually remember listening to was this one:

The revolution will not be right back after a message 'bout a white tornado, white lightning or white people.
You will not have to worry about a dove in your bedroom, a tiger in your tank or the giant in your toilet bowl. The revolution will not go better with Coke.
The revolution will not fight germs that may cause bad breath.
The revolution will put you in the driver's seat.

I liked hearing this one you've posted. The man was an amazing poet and should have been celebrated as a national treasure. It's kind of neat that they do exactly that in Japan.

Ben said...

"The Revolution Will Not Be Televised" is an exciting song all right. The sort of song a young man writes, most likely. We had an album of his when I was a kid, too, which I liked. I also remember seeing him on the very early Saturday Night Live when Richard Pryor hosted. It was already kind of a livewire show, and that added something else.