Friday, June 7, 2024

The décor

I have new neighbors one floor below. When they moved in they hung a piece of wall art next to the mailboxes. It's sort of a metal grid with an arrangement of discs laid on top of it. The discs are wooden, I think, but some of them are painted metallic colors. 

Don't want to go too much in describing it. Mainly I just think it's cool that they decided to add something to the foyer. Pretty sure none of the rest of us have done that.


susan said...

It's funny you mentioned the decoration next to the mailboxes. We have something similar going on here without necessarily knowing who is responsible. During the lockdowns people started leaving extras of packaged food in the lobby on top of the mailboxes. That was thoughtful.

Meanwhile, I'd come across my collection of Wade figurine animals that used to come in Red Rose tea. I left them down there in ones and twos. All were taken. Then somebody started leaving loaves of fresh baked sourdough. That was also nice. Since then there have been semi-regular offerings of flowers in vases. One time I left a small painting of mine to than the mysterious benefactor. It was gone next time we passed so I suppose someone has that now. No way of knowing who.

Ben said...

It does sound like a nice gesture to leave food on the mailboxes. I don't know for sure if anyone took it or needed to, but nice to know it was there just in case.

I remember the animal figurines that used to come with Red Rose tea. Hadn't known they were called Wade figurines until now. Sourdough is a tasty bread and has a nice smell to it as well, so that must have been nice. It all sounds like a lovely little exchange. Whoever picked up your painting has good taste, natch.