Wednesday, June 5, 2024

A calm grazer


This fella looks unflappable, and likely is, out of necessity. As indicated by the name, the Himalayan goral lives in the Himalayas. There is, in fact, a population on Everest. They're adapted to rough terrain and incredible heights. Gorals have to be able to plow through.


susan said...

I have to agree he looks very relaxed and nicely plump as well. I imagine life for them is much harder in the wild, especially on the sides of tall mountains.

Another interesting member of the Bovidae family that's know for scaling steep mountains and dams is the ibex. I get dizzy just watching them move around on almost vertical surfaces.

Ben said...

Yeah, he is handsome in his way. Sort of like a compact little deer. The compactness is likely another adaptation to life on and around high mountains.

Ibexes can be found in the Himalayas as well. They do some incredible things too. It was beautiful seeing them feed on the salt and minerals on that dam, but watching them climb it is enough to give you vertigo.