Sunday, October 1, 2023

Things to giggle at


I'm always up for humor that mixes high and low subjects, styles, what have you. Provided that it's funny, of course. The comics of R.E. Parrish are a good example. And an addictive one. She seems to be a generation younger than I am, so maybe the kids are alright.


susan said...

Impressions: Some I liked (Wm Blake and his editor), some not so much (John-Paul Sartre Comics), and some went right over my head ('A Christmas Story' Comics). Mostly they're pretty cool, I'll grant you she is very clever..

I think lots of kids are alright. There's just so much electronic flack obscuring the reality.

Ben said...

Not each and every one of them hit, but there's an appealing anything goes wackiness to her work as a whole. I'm not sure I get the Christmas Story one either. It looks like it might be a reference to something else, but if so I don't know what.

It's true. We now live in a universe of spam.