Tuesday, October 31, 2023


There may be a greater than usual need for release this year. For fun. So if Halloween has gone anywhere for the past few years, I think it's back.

Lot of college kids walking around in costume today. And some borderline cases. When you don't have all the cultural references it can be hard to tell who's wearing a Halloween costume and who just has unusual fashion sense. That's cool too, though.

I had coffee at a place where one lady behind the counter was dressed as the joker. I use the lower case "j" because with her jester's hat and big rosy circles of rouge she didn't look like the Batman villain. Instead she looked like the figure on a wild playing card. Or maybe she was Mr. Punch, but her posture seemed too good.


susan said...

You're likely right there's a greater need for plain old fashioned fun this year and good to see it in the costumes people choose to wear.

We were out and about yesterday afternoon - driving through Oak Bay Village at one point as we headed for the Beach Rd home. They had a big section of the street closed off for a Hallowe'en kids party so we did get to see a number of shorties dressed up. There were also a number of older kids - teens, twenties, and a few much much older who were on their way to the festivities.

None of that was especially surprising, but what neither of us remembered as part of the celebration happened later as we were watchng a movie (the suitably creepy Ringu) when all of a sudden there were fireworks going off all over the neighborhood. Strange place.

Ben said...

It was good to see. There's a certain kind of mischief that's been missing in recent years. It's good to see hints it might be returning.

That sounds like a nice drive. I'm glad to know that the people of Victoria had places to go and fun things to do, if they were so inclined. Can only imagine that it was a pretty colorful sight, especially if there were jack-o-lanterns and other appropriate lighting.

Hmm. Fireworks seem right for a few holidays per year. Reg'lar New Year, Chinese New Year, July 4th (down here) or 1st (up there). Setting them off for Halloween seems a bit off, because they're just so loud and associated with other things. But maybe they just had to try the concept out this year.