Saturday, July 29, 2023

Rising steam

Okay this might be too much information, but when I got out of the shower and toweled off I never actually got dry. That's the kind of heat/humidity combination we had today. Walking to breakfast I didn't wear my glasses because I figured sweat would constantly be dropping on the lenses from my hair. 

Later I wore a windbreaker, otherwise unneeded, for a shopping trip on foot because it was raining. Rain didn't last, though. Well that one didn't. Tonight after I'd been in for a while we got a lightning storm. We'll see what effect that has.


susan said...

I was relieved to hear the heatwave had subsided. Usually a thunderstorm will make the difference. I always rather enjoyed them myself but that's one weather event that never happens out here where hot fronts and cold fronts never meet.

Jer introduced me to an article this morning I think you'd enjoy too. It's called 14 Warning Signs That You Are Living in a Society Without a Counterculture. There are some very significant examples, particularly the one we talked about earlier - the disappearance of local newspapers.

Ben said...

A lot of times thunderstorms will bring the heat down. Sometimes they just tease you, leaving it just as hot with just a little moisture on the ground. It's odd that you don't get them up in BC. Something about the attitude/latitude keeps the fronts separate?

Funny thing is that piece is from Ted Gioia's Substack, which Jerry and I were just talking about tonight. It's a pretty revealing list. "This year's movies look like last year's movies." And it does seem practically impossible to shake money loose for a non-franchise film.