Monday, March 14, 2022

Day for night

Today was the first weekday of Daylight Savings Time. And of course my first thought was, "This has to be a joke. There's no way you can expect me to get up when it's still this dark."

Will I get used to it? Well, that's not what will happen. What will happen is that sunrise will start getting earlier again. Hallelujah.


susan said...

It is weird to have the early morning be dark again just when you were getting accustomed to waking up to a rising sun. Of course the advantage becomes apparent later on that same day when it's still broad daylight once you get home. That the days will grow brighter as the weeks pass is worth a cheer.

Ben said...

There's a balance, I think. I can't complain about having more light when I'm out doing errands after work. But intentionally choosing more darkness when people have to get up for work/school doesn't seem a great idea. The Senate recently voted for year-round DST without seeming to remember that this idea has been tried a couple of times before with less than great results.