Monday, March 28, 2022

Fighting City Hall

At Aldi's this evening I happened to be at the cash register where the manager was working. The lady in front of me seemed nice and reasonable, initially. She'd brought a receipt and was very determined that a certain brand of chocolate should have been 99¢ and soon descended into a Thunbergesque series of "How dare you!" She didn't really have a leg to stand on, but I can't blame her too much. It's not the last exemplar of inflation angst that I expect to see.

Unfortunately I wound up missing the bus I was hoping to catch. Which meant a long wait in sub-freezing wind. So it was a special relief to get home tonight.


susan said...

This is yet another sad example of how our glorious leaders have rearranged the formerly normal world for us. We've noticed some rich and famous people spouting off about how they don't mind paying more for gas if doing that will help defeat the nasty Russians. Sheesh..

Yes, prices are going up and you do have to wonder how it could be that although the cost of production rises 5¢ the added cost is $1. It's a miracle.. or maybe there's a bit of price gouging involved. Still, there's nothing a store manager can do about a sticker price.

Sorry you had to wait in the cold for your bus.

Ben said...

Paying more for gas in order to beat the Russians is something that's very easy to virtue signal about. Depending on where you are in society, you may or may not subsequently learn that it adds to the price of everything else as well. If you do learn, it stands a good turn to change your mind, whether you admit it or not.

From their conversation I wasn't sure if she'd gotten a break from staffers in the past or if there really had been a price hike. But of course you're right. Neither of those things were within the manager's power to fix.

Maybe wasn't ideal, but I've had worse trips/