Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Heading for a fall

Joseph Stalin and Mao Zedong are reputed to be two of history's greatest monsters. This is a fair assessment. Nearly uncountable lives were destroyed under their watch for no good reason. 

They were, however, genuine hard men. They knew what they were doing and could see it through. By contrast, Justin Trudeau is a fading gigolo, one who's already in over his head. And no, Canada isn't Stalin's Soviet Union or Mao's China. But it's important to see what kind of games he's playing and who else has played them. 

Life isn't fair, but given time chickens have a habit of coming home to roost. Justin isn't prepared for their return. Even with a number of Canadians and others willing to  play the Stasi he's losing the plot. I only hope that his failure is quick and―for the rest of the country―painless.


susan said...

Not only have you made the main points very well yourself (I liked that 'fading gigolo' descriptor), but the two links you chose to illustrate the situation were very good. I've enjoyed reading some of Meghan Murphy's opinion pieces when they appeared on the Spectator in the last couple of years. Jordan Boyd's article was also very apt.

We've read so much about the chaos surrounding JT's petulant frenzy this week and more it's hard to find words to describe our shock and disappointment at this development. As of this afternoon police brought in from unknown distant points have begun kettling and arresting people at the protest site in Ottawa.

I'm not sure what's worse among these dire reactions - the arrests of peaceful, and (previously) playful, demonstrators or the fact that anyone who sent financial contributions to the convoy can have their bank accounts frozen. It's shameful considering the fact the government never officially delared the group a terrorist organization in the first place and only did so after the fact.

I did write a couple of letters of my own to MPs in Ottawa who have been debating whether or not to cancel the Emergency Act. We'll have to wait and see how it all plays out - and I do mean in the longterm. I'd say Trudeau Jr. (who some call Moosolini) has caused a constitutional crisis for the simple reason he didn't want to talk to the truckers. He's a disgrace.

If you have a few minutes I did find one very relevant article today on Brownstone - Society vs State: Canada Reveals the Core Conflict of Our Age.

Ben said...

Both are new names to me. I think I might have heard of Meghan Murphy before and even possibly read her, but the name didn't stick with me before. Jordan Boyd I didn't know at all. But both have produced some very good reporting and analysis on this incident.

There are times when you see the seams. In truth some aspects of the convoy might have warranted a gentle prodding by law officers. Some of the honking, perhaps, even if it was finished by nightfall. But they weren't punished for disorderly behavior, but for what they believed. And then on top of that, for what Trudeau lied about them believing. All the clearer when you look at his reaction to BLM.

One dark thought is of how long all of this was being planned. When did they decide they wanted to do what they did. And they did want to. I'm convinced that if COVID had never broken out, they eventually would have found another reason for the restrictions. All these leaders had a very specific background.

McGrogan seems like a pretty sharp observer as well. Which in a way makes me want to de-develop some of our economy, although I don't know who I'd trust with that task.