Monday, June 24, 2019

& the living is easy

If you define "summer" as "that time of the year when wearing shorts feels like an imperative when you're home for the day" - and who doesn't? - then summer has arrived. I do, somehow, have  fairly good pair of shorts in my possession. It's a good time of year to go barefoot as well, assuming your floor isn't splintery.


susan said...

Around here we haven't had any hot weather up to now. Spring kind of began in late January - crocuses and snowdrops were beginning to blossom and then were stalled by a wintry February. Then spring returned - early spring in March, mid-spring in April, warmer mid-spring in May, and now we're enjoying late spring with roses. I rather like it. I hope your shorts are comfortable and the splinters few.

Ben said...

Crocuses and snowdrops are early spring flowers, able to withstand very cool nights. Still, January seems a little early for them. Knock on wood the false alarm didn't hurt them in the long run.

Oh yes, the floor's in good shape and the shorts are very inviting. The other day I had a special need to change because a freak 20-minute thunderstorm had soaked every item of clothing I had on. Oh well.