Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Hugh know

I don't know who made the artwork above. I do like it a lot, though, so I'll see if I can find out. Offhand I'd say the subtle use of diagonal lines gives it a certain dynamism.

The song below is best known for being a Tom Jones vocal piece, of course. Masekela's trumpet version is really something else.


susan said...

Ah yes, that was a very cool rendition of the song and a nice google tribute on what would have been 80th birthday.

Did you see that his second trumpet was one sent to him by Louis Armstrong?

Ben said...

Have to say I love the cover of the album it's from too. It's not a real zebra, but it gets the idea across.

That's an interesting story, with them seeming to have a mutual friend in the Bishop of the Indian Ocean. Of course Louis had impeccable taste, too.