Wednesday, September 6, 2017


This is Robert Maxwell's "Solfeggio", known to be the song played by the Nairobi Trio on Ernie Kovacs's show, so it feels like there should be another musician. You know, just for visual balance. Nonetheless it's a nice rendition.


susan said...

It is a cool piece of music and well done by these two. However, the Nairobi Trio once seen can never be forgotten.. or perhaps we were once more easily amused.

Ben said...

Kovacs had a gift for finding ideas that were almost too surreal to be funny, but not quite. That particular running skit sometimes involved celebrity guest apes like Jack Lemmon and Frank Sinatra, which is kind of funny in itself. Also notable is that in the early 1970s Harry Nilsson borrowed the idea for a "Coconut" promo.