Monday, September 4, 2017

Labor Day post

Summer draws to a close now. In meteorological terms it lasts three more weeks, but by schoolchildren's criteria it's over. And this year summer has been largely mild, sometimes chilly. This has meant less frolicking by the water, and maybe it's been a little harder to convince people climate change is real. On the plus side, if there's been a summer with fewer mosquito bites, I don't remember it.


susan said...

The summer weather was pretty similar here as well but, like Portland, mosquitoes are more rare in these parts.

If a coolish summer doesn't convince people about the reality of climate change, pehaps hurricane season will.

Ben said...

Lucky break that neither Portland nor Halifax has much in the way of skeeters. A quality of the water, perhaps?

We've just lived through the biggest and costliest hurricane season ever. Will it convince anyone who wasn't already? A few, probably. See how much difference it makes.