Saturday, January 25, 2025

The secret

A little over a week ago I ordered a book through the interlibrary loan system. It hasn't arrived. Apparently it hasn't even moved from the library that has it. 

Yesterday I called my local branch and asked about it. All they could tell me was that it hadn't been sent out. Which I of course knew already. Today I was actually at the library and I talked to a nice and knowledgeable lady at the circulation desk. She didn't know why it hadn't been sent but said she'd call the owning library. No one else had done this.

This exact thing has happened before. What it proves is that the results you get if you know the right person to talk to are very different from those you get if you don't.


susan said...

Sometimes it's not so much a matter of talking to the wrong person on the phone but by actually meeting someone face to face. We've both noticed it's becoming next to impossible finding a place where employees actually answer phone calls; instead you get multiple choice answering machines that eventually hang up on you, hopefully, at least having allowed you to leave a message before cutting you off.

I'm glad to know you got to speak to a nice person who was willing to problem solve for you. With any luck you'll have the book you ordered before week's end.


Anyhow, regarding the Hamas release of the female IDF soldiers here's a link to the video he was describing:

Sorry the link looks so ugly - blame it on the subject matter.

Ben said...

That's true and it's a shame that so much of our economy is virtualized now that there's no place you can go to even talk to a person face to face. Because it does make a difference, not least in your peace of mind as you can put the matter to rest one way or another. Phone trees are very often useless whether by accident or design.

She's very nice and a pro, so the book came quite soon after. Had another problem recently and in that case found out the book had been lost, but at least now I know.


The link is complex I guess because there's more than one party involved. The good thing is that I was able to get there using just the first line.

So many news events now are staged managed to the point you don't know what to make of them. That was no exception.