Monday, April 22, 2024

At last


It's refreshing to see Tucker cutting loose. If he'd said anything like this when he was employed at Fox News they would have shot him into the sun. It is true that he backtracks on Bari Weiss specifically, and I'm not really focusing on her here. But it's definitely true that a lot of people who pose as champions of free speech suddenly get suspicious of it when their pet issue is at stake.

1 comment:

susan said...

Tucker Carlson says what he believes and sometimes he's going to say something we might not agree with. That's his prerogative as it is for all of us and mutual respect is the goal if not necessarily the answer to all our problems. It was interesting to see him with the other famous internet personality, Joe Rogan. They were a good match.

Some months ago a number of people were of the opinion Carlson was wrong to interview Putin because it's a given in western ideology the man is evil incarnate. When media distorts, omits facts to promote only one side of a story a great many people will come to distrust that media. We have a huge problem with that in the West today and massive self censorship is obviously not the answer. What the answer is only time will tell but I'm glad Tucker emerged from the scrum.