Out of nowhere I found myself wondering if there were a puppet show version of Waiting for Godot. And so I consulted the Great Gazoogle, as it seemed like the kind of innocuous search you could trust them with. Anyway, I found this video.
It's not a straight adaptation, but whoever made it does seem to have read Becket. Also seems to be Irish.
This one actually uses Godot dialogue, acted out by cutout shadow puppets.
Hello, Godot.. He's coming from wherever he has been.
It was many years ago, so long ago you may remember too, that we watched Zero Mostel and Burgess Meredith in Godot. At the time, since it was a play I wasn't familiar with, I think I kept expecting Godot to show up for the big finish. No luck..
Jer came across what must be a rare bit of film history, a short and very blurry video of Steve Martin and Robin Williams playing Didi and Gogo in a theatre. Maybe somebody sneaked in an 8mm film camera.
Something about Beckett's dialogue just feels so right. Certainly with the kind of people he writes about.
I don't remember seeing the show you're describing. Burgess Meredith and Zero Mostel sound like a powerful combination. I may have a memory of a memory of it, though, or at least Jerry talking about the play. Which, yes, you definitely do expect the man himself to show up.
Yeah, I just saw a bit of that production too. The clip had Hebrew subtitles. The two are volleying insults and Robin Williams shouts "Critic!" at Steve Martin, which is pretty funny.
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