Thursday, November 5, 2020


 This evening after work I took the bus home, but rode it a ways past my stop. I went to a coffee shop on the eastern edge of the city. It's still mostly takeout. I got a little cookie and a cup of coffee. From there I headed to the park.

In the park I sat on a bench by the fountain, which hasn't actually had water flowing through it in a while but still looks purdy. I chewed on the cookie, enjoyed the coffee, and read my book. It's an anthology of short stories about witches. Most of the stories I've read in it haven't really grabbed me. Too much worldbuilding and not enough impressionism, but that's just me.

But it didn't matter. With the clocks turned back it was the dark of night by this time. This is a nice little park, a playground and lawn at the base of a long trail. People tend to be socially distanced because it's New England. On the other hand a lot of denizens are maskless. Combined with the scattered lights in the darkness that gives it an otherworldly feel, or more aptly an outside-of-time one. Hanging out there brings a dreamy excitement to the day.


susan said...

A nice series of images. Your description of the interlude between daytime activity and the evening's business at home evokes feelings of tranquility. I wonder how the reading went by the time darkness fell.

You've reminded me of a quote of C.S. Lewis's that I saved:
There are two kinds of people: those who say to God, 'Thy will be done,' and those to whom God says, 'All right, then, have it your way.'

Hope you have a good weekend.

Ben said...

There's a kind of tranquility, yes. It may be because while it's become - paradoxically enough, given the circumstances - easier than ever to be overwhelmed by social pressure, this is one time where all that seems to be suspended. It's just nature, electricity, and whoever else may be wandering by. Reading went okay, despite my not really being into it.

That's a very good C.S. Lewis quote and I'm glad you thought to bring it up. To be honest I'm not entirely sure which camp I fall into.

Think it was a nice weekend. Yours?