Friday, July 20, 2018

The long and short of it

It might seem weird. At night during the summer it feels right to be wearing shorts. Part of that is heat and humidity, of course. But it can be hot and humid during the day. After all, heat comes from the sun. But earlier in the day it just feels like long pants time. Not so much at the end of the day.

Hey, I said weird, not interesting.


susan said...

Pavement and buildings tend to absorb heat during the day and then radiate it at night making it feel hotter. Cities have been called heat islands. It actually is interesting, although you're right that it's also weird.

Ben said...

That actually is an interesting phenomenon. You'd almost expect it to be colder in cities because of the tunnel effect high buildings can create. Then again, John Sebastian might have been ahead of the curve on this one.