This column came out a little before the election, but I just read it a few minutes ago. It's not something I would have written myself, but I like it. The author, Andrew Napolitano, is a legal analyst at Fox News. Not the profile of someone I would have always listened to.
But antiwar voices from the right are out there. Tom Woods, the author of the Politically Incorrect Guide to series of books is another. Along with Ron Paul, the one most people probably know.
I'm interested in these figures because opposition to wars of choice―especially in the Middle East―won't go anywhere if it involves only liberals and leftists. Who are often blinkered in some way anyway.
I'm sure we've talked about this before but I can't remember quite when it was that I realized the radical leftward shift of the Overton Window had placed me in the conservative spectrum when I hadn't actually changed my opinions much at all. The very act of packaging radical and outrageous statements in a way that makes them seem normal is a trick the media has engaged in relentlessly, with the result that impressionable people have accepted received opinions about many matters they would have been better off thinking through for themselves.
I've been familiar with Judge Napolitano since early in the present decade when I began following Larry Johnson's* Sonar 21 website (it was just his name back then). Naturally, I can't recall how I found my way there but I've been glad of his expertise. He talks to a number of very interesting people, including the Judge, who have boosted my understanding about current (mad) events. If you check out his website you'll fine a number of well informed professionals who also abhor wars of choice.
*Larry C. Johnson is a former CIA officer and intelligence analyst, and former planner and advisor at the US State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism. As an independent contractor, he has provided training for the US Military’s Special Operations community for 24 years.
Sonar 21:
I think the potential for abuse was always there. The Overton Window by definition slams pretty hard against those who question the consensus opinion. If a big change has occurred it's that the consensus opinion has gotten more ambitious. It's no longer enough to share a general politics with the population at large. Things have to be pushed in a certain direction.
I think I've read some of Larry C. Johnson before, but I'm not sure. There are a few people with the same or similar names. If it's the same guy I didn't think much of him before, but a lot of things have changed since then, for me and otherwise. HIs site looks thoughtful and interesting from what I've read of it.
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