Tuesday, May 30, 2023

It came from the highlands

Can you play "Chim Chim Cheree" as a jazz song?

Can you play jazz on the bagpipes?

Can you play "Chim Chim Cheree" on the bagpipes?


I first found out about Rufus Harley from Laurie Anderson's album Big Science, where he played on the song "Sweaters." His story is that he was a trained saxophonist, and was moved when he heard the bagpipe's being played at JFK's funeral. They immediately became his primary instrument. 

Few followed him, as anyone with even a glancing familiarity with jazz history knows. But he had a long career and his music is quite bracing.


susan said...

That was interesting. I hadn't heard of Rufus Harley before but he was well worth an introduction. He looks good in a kilt too.

I can't honestly say I've ever been very fond of bagpipe music and living in Halifax where there were always bagpipers around in summer, never mind the parades, kind of solidified my aversion.

So while I'm glad for Rufus having enjoyed a long and successful career, my appreciation will remain cerebral rather than heartfelt.

Ben said...

The tartan does suit him. He wore it on an episode of I've Got a Secret as well.

I didn't realize that Scottish pageantry was still such a part of life in Halifax. "Nova Scotia" is New Latin for "New Scotland", but as far as I know New South Wales isn't filled with women wearing those tall Welsh hats. But yeah, I can see how that be a bit of overexposure.

Ah well, thought it was of interest, but of course results may vary.