Wednesday, September 2, 2020

H2O yeah that's right

 In terms of the reservoir and in terms of healthy plant life we've been in need of rain, and a lot of it. We got some today. Enough to help.

Better for me that it wasn't too hard or too long. Today was my laundry day, and it's never fun to take clothes out of the drier and head out into cold, bitter rain. And my timing was okay, as I just had to go across the street and wait a couple of minutes for the bus.

So, a balance.


susan said...

There's nothing like nice fresh laundry to brighten up a week. Well, maybe a few things.. A friend who lives in Northern Alberta finally got her new clothesline established a few weeks ago after wanting one for years. Then she rhapsodized about how wonderful it was to have line dried sheets on her bed again. I remember too and she's right about the scent; the problem as I see it is the place. Line drying clothes and all the rest is terrific but in winter the stuff freezes on the line before you get the last peg in. You'd have to punch them into folds to get them back in the laundry basket.

Ben said...

Right on both counts. Laundry is a hassle to do in the moment, sometimes more than others, but it always feels good to have it over and done with after a while. As for clotheslines, they do seem to be handy for some stuff, especially sheets. Probably towels as well. They're not necessarily practical for everyone who lives everywhere. In Northern Alberta it definitely seems like it would be a seasonal tool. Still, your friend will be glad she has it during the spring and summer.