Sunday, August 23, 2020

Guessing game

 Not sure if Penn in this clip actually has the answer right as to what this British magician did to get the right answer in her mentalist act. His hypothesis is kind of wordy. Well, that's to be expected. What he seems to be saying is that she listened to the crowd response, which could work but could also lead her astray. I was thinking that each block maybe was filed a certain way so as to make a certain identifiable sound?


susan said...

My guess would be that there had to be some electronic gadget involved that the scanner couldn't identify. We'll likely never know.

I know you know we love magic and that we've watched lots of magic performances these past few years, so many in fact, that it's really impossible to choose a favorite. Still, we do have some fond memories and the first act that comes to mind from Penn and Teller's show was Shawn Farquhar's second appearance. The first one was very good too but I think you'll be more likely to appreciate this one that he did with a book rather than a card trick.

It was a real treat to see a performance probably made in the 50s by one of the old time Coney Island magicians, Al Flosso. Thank goodness there's a film of him doing his act. The kid was great.

Ben said...

Well I suppose smuggling in an electronic device under those strict conditions would be a mighty trick in itself. Wonder if that's it.

Shawn Farquhar has the kind of shtick that I've read about even if I haven't seen much of it, where a trickster will pretend to be failing at his trick, mimicking flop sweat to distract the audience from what he's really doing. Of course Penn and Teller have been around the block, so you wouldn't think they'd be susceptible to that kind of thing. But then, I don't know what he actually did, either.

Al Flosso's act could really get your head spinning. The kid, suckered as he was, looked to be having a good time. Maybe the WC Fields bit helped too.