Tuesday, March 10, 2020

In the shadows

Ruth Blake 'Baba Yaga' from chloe purcell on Vimeo.

I know nothing about Ruth Blake, the musical artist represented by this clip. It's a pretty catchy song. The animator has put together stop motion and silhouettes, two favorite things of mine, and credibly claims to be inspired by the German animator Lottie Reininger. Must note that Baba Yaga, a witch who lives in a house with chicken legs, is one of the most interesting figures in Eastern European folklore.


susan said...

Ah yes, the story of Vasilisa the Beautiful is really nicely done in this little video. It's not unlike the story of Cinderella, but Baba Yaga is not your classic Fairy Godmother made popular by Disney. I had a very old copy of all the originals of the Grimm's Brothers fairytales when I was a kid and they too were much more harsh than the ones that were later published.

Ben said...

Yes, Baba Yaga is an intriguing figure. She's an ambiguous figure in folklore, not always good or evil, as her Wikipedia article puts it, "Baba Yaga commonly appears as either a donor, villain, or may be altogether ambiguous." Likely a figure from Russian or Slavic mythology.

I do remember being a little freaked out when I learned of the original Grimm's fairytales.