Friday, May 3, 2019

Mental activity

At the end of the day there's a jumble of thoughts. Some are good, some not so good. Some you don't even need to label. But like I said, a jumble. One by one they still themselves. There's like, one last ember before you go to sleep.

You understand this, don't you?


susan said...

It can be hard sometimes getting to that last thought when others insist on making encores. The best I can do when that happens is to focus on counting a mantra on my fingers and eventually the thinking slows enough that sleep returns.

I read an interesting article a while back about biphasic sleeping. It's fascinating to consider how different life must have been before electric lighting remade our nights.

Ben said...

I haven't tried the mantra on my fingers, although I might one of these days. Imaging helps. Oddly enough I find that picturing an austere steppe-like terrain keeps my mind from racing at night.

Biphasic sleeping was an interesting phenomenon. They say that everything eventually makes a comeback, so maybe in the post-peak oil world that will as well.