Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Chilling? Perhaps not. Chill? Most certainly.

Vince Guaraldi was a real find in the making of the Peanuts specials. He did the Christmas special first, of course. Halloween isn't a sentimental holiday in the same way Christmas is, or at least isn't always thought of as such. But it does have its own feel, its own tenderness. Which Guaraldi and his combo captured without apparent effort.


susan said...

You're right that his work was truly insprired and actually increased the beauty and tenderness underneath the Peanuts specials. He and Charles Shultz complimented one another very well.

Ben said...

You put that well in that they complement each other. And this wasn't necessarily an obvious thing at the time. Peanuts had only ever been a comic strip, and spoken dialogue was a new wrinkle in itself. Adding cool jazz on top of that may have seemed a risk.