Saturday, November 30, 2013

Enwreathed Saturday Random Ten

On my way out today I saw the building's housekeeper.  I met her before I moved in but our paths hadn't really crossed since then.  I let her know that I liked the Christmas wreath she put on the side door.  It is a nice touch.

1. The New Pornograohers - Sweet Talk, Sweet Talk
2. The Bird and the Bee - Love Letter to Japan
3. Jimmy Smith - But Beautiful
4. Joni Mitchell - Song for Sharon
5. Marvin Gaye - Right On
6. They Might Be Giants - When Will You Die
7. Bonzo Dog Doo-Dah Band - I'm Bored
8. Pink Martini - Je Ne T'aime Plus
9. Edith Piaf - J'm'en Fous Pas Mal
10. R.E.M. - Laughing


susan said...

and it was very nice of you to compliment her about the wreath.

Nice and somewhat familiar FR10. A favorite Marvin Gaye song of mine is What's Going On?

Ben said...

Well, she seems like a nice lady and she works for it.

"What's Going On" is a great song.
"Mother mother, there's too many of you crying..."