I saw a guy on the bus today. He was wearing a dress shirt but no tie. Both his slim jacket and pants were brown, I guess you could say reddish or orangey brown. Shoes were read, high-polished leather.
As I may have said before, I don't think the traditional suit and tie will fade into history until something replaces it as formal/business wear. Gargantuan John Fetterman gets away with hoodie and shorts on the Senate floor. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky (RIP) favors a paramilitary look with fitted T-shirts. These aren't the future.
The look of the guy I saw on the bus might be. I've seen it on other smartphone-toting young professionals. Basically it ditches most traditional forms of adornment but requires color coordination between top and bottom. Of course it could also be a fad, and in a few years might just scream "2020s."