The area behind the skating rink was a developer's crown jewel. It's at the entrance to Waterplace Park, which can still be downright pretty. This little nook has the locations for 3-4 restaurants, which have been through various names/owners, but used to be pretty busy. The number being used now? A nice round zero.
But going through it today I found a nip bottle with a burn hole in it from being used as a freebasing pipe, so at least someone is making use of the area.
Jer found a picture of the place we think you're talking about - the second one looks to be the nook you described. It does appear to be a very nice spot for a restaurant or several and may rise again now that the official panic has ended.
As for the drug paraphrenalia, we're seeing similar things in our neighborhood too. It seems to have become a universal problem.
Very close. These are pictures of the rink itself. It's on one side of the tunnel, where they're motivated to keep everything nice looking. The abandoned restaurants are on the other side of the tunnel, within sight of the water. I haven't been able to find any pictures of them.
I'd be a fool if I thought I could ascribe these problems to any one factor, but they have become quite widespread.
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