There's an ad that sometimes plays before YouTube videos. A bunch of people are boarding a plane. An announcement comes over the PA that there's a surcharge for wi-fi. Everybody in line melts down, saying that there's work they need to get into that only exists in the cloud, yadda yadda.
It seems like a prime opportunity to tell these people to breathe. You can survive a three hour flight without Internet service. But it's an ad for a telecom, so that's not the way they go.
If this is any example I can understand how amusing you must find youtube commercials. Imagine the horror of sitting still reading a book or, even worse, having to talk to a starnger in a neighboring seat. They might actually blurt out a microagressive statement and then where would you be? You can't just walk away - well, not for long anyway. Someone else might need the toilet.
Sometimes in old movies you'll see scenes of strangers on an airplane making small talk, usually so it can feed into the plot. I'm sure there are youngsters who, if they see something like that, find it completely inappropriate and unbelievable. Which is one of the more depressing thoughts I've had recently.
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