Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Playing the pandemic to win

There's a review here of Deborah Birx's new book. I'm already fuzzy on the title, so I'll be thinking of it as If I Did It. Birx is probably the official most responsible for making COVID-era America look as much like China as she could make it, which was never enough to her satisfaction.

In an excerpt from Scott Atlas's own account of the same period Senger quotes Atlas as saying that Jared Kushner had been assured Birx was "100 percent MAGA." After that she had a free hand for an alarming length of time. That kind of gullibility is why I'd prefer Trump not be reelected or renominated, although Joe Biden and Merrick Garland seem determined to bring him back.


susan said...

I read this very damaging piece by Michael Senger last month on his substack page. The problem that's kept coming back to haunt Donald Trump isn't that he was corrupt but that he was naive when it came to choosing his appointees. Many of the politicians in DC hated him because of varied reasons, largely because he wasn't part of their club and Birx was one of the weasels inserted into his circle of advisors. Do you recall her interview with Jim Jordan of the House Judiciary? Here's a significant exerpt:

Jordan: Dr. Birx, can vaccinated people get COVID?
Birx: Yes.
Jordan: Have vaccinated people been hospitalized with COVID?
Birx: Yes.
Jordan: When the government told us that the vaccinated could not transmit the disease, was that a lie or was that a guess?
Birx: I think it was hope that the vaccine would work in that way..

Never mind the lockdowns, social distancing, masks, and all the rest.. Maybe her book will be used as evidence in court one day.

I find myself as dismayed as anyone about the ramifications of the raid on Trump's home. It's one of those 'if they can do this to a former president think what they can do to you'. So far the search warrant hasn't been released and it's true the judge who ordered it had strong ties to Jeffrey Epstein. But overall, I have no idea about who, what or why. Larry Johnson came up with an interesting theory today - goodness knows it sounds as plausible as anything else.

I hope he doesn't run again too.

btw: Did you see the Alex Jones mic drop?

Ben said...

There does seem to be a class--very small in relation to the rest of the populations--that thinks it alone has the authority to rule. And indeed he was an outsider, and an unwelcome one. You don't have to love him or his policies to doubt that this incestuous clique should have the kind of power they've been wielding.

That Birx won't admit to lying while she admits to lying is probably a finely hone Beltway survival instinct. Oh no, she's just a cockeyed optimist!

A few weeks have now passed since the raid. It's become obvious that nothing all that grave or interesting was found, and that it was basically a publicity stunt. But even though they have nothing that doesn't mean they'll stop pretending. Trump himself gets a big and fairly legitimate talking point, although I don't know what the ultimate effects will be.

That was a pretty sharp video. I'm guessing the reaction shot was from Joe Rogan's show.