Sunday, July 12, 2020

Love and laughter in 4:3

I finally got around to seeing The Artist on Friday. This is of course the award winning French comedy about a silent film actor who goes from hero to zero when talkies hit, and the slightly stalkerish starlet who does her best to help him. While it's a French movie, it was shot in Hollywood and features a number of well known Anglophone actors (e.g. John Goodman, Malcolm McDowell, Missi Pyle). Ergo what little spoken dialogue there is is actually in English.

Not half bad. It drags a little in presenting George's self destructive downfall, and I think storywise it could have been shortened by ten minutes or so. But, well, that's show biz.


susan said...

Considering all the rave reviews and the number of awards the movie received I'm embarrassed to have never heard of The Artist until now. I deliberately avoided reading much more than the essentials of the plot you posted, but I did check out the trailer. It's one we'll have to look for in the near future. Thanks for the tip.

We just watched an 80s movie we'd never seen before - Tequila Sunrise. It was pretty neat to see young Mel Gibson and Kurt Russell vying for the affection of Michelle Pfeiffer. While the story left some rather large questions unanswered by the end it was still well worth seeing. Oh yes, it also featured the always fun to watch Raul Julia and Bongwater's Ann Magnuson.

Ben said...

You're not the only one who hasn't heard of it. Last night I was talking to a guy who had sworn to watch all the Best Picture Oscar winners, with his girlfriend tagging along. He wasn't aware of this being one of them. He hadn't heard of The Apartment either, to which I gave an even stronger recommendation. The hostess backed me up, too.

I'll consider your thumbs-up on Tequila Sunrise. It looks like it could be a fun watch if you're in the right mood. I perused a few stills from it on the web and almost got whiplash from the sheer concentrated 80s of it all.