Saturday, February 2, 2019


little women from Abigail Eckstrom on Vimeo.

I've actually read Little Women, although I wasn't/am not the kind of reader the book is expected to have. I liked Alcott's tenderness and patience towards her characters.

This little animation is more suggestive than anything else. No characters actually appear. A little surreal maybe. Or just dreamlike. The house made up of newsprint is quite evocative.


susan said...

This is definitely an oddly neat little vignette with nothing of people but the music and some laughter to be heard. I haven't read Little Women since I was a child so it was interesting for me to read about Louisa May Alcott's life and what lead her to become a writer. Did you know she was buried in the Sleepy Hollow Cemetery in Concord, MA?

Ben said...

Definitely a nice bit of craftsmanship.

I do know that she had a pretty varied writing career. Like a number of female writers, she sometimes used a male/androgynous pseudonym. And the cemetery really should promote her as "the other legend of Sleepy Hollow."