Tuesday, November 6, 2018


One thing I like about this time of year is that Standard Time comes back. I hear a lot of people say that they look forward to Daylight Savings Time, even that they want it to be DST year-round, so I'm probably weird on this one. So be it. We got an extra hour of sleep this past weekend, and now when I get up in the morning the sun's out even though it's still early. It's refreshing.


susan said...

The many people who say they prefer DST more than likely mean they prefer the long hours of daylight of spring and summer. I certainly do, but winter (called by at least one of my friends 'the long dark') is part of what makes a year and we may as well enjoy as much of that as we can. Still, I'd prefer they not change the clocks at all and I wouldn't particularly care whether it was left as Standard or DST.

Ben said...

"The Long Dark" is pretty evocative. I've heard a theory that the reason February is always shorter than any other month is that it makes winter seem shorter. Of course it can do the opposite, as the shortness increases the chances of winter weather extending well into March. So all these are examples of how you're best off just making the best of things.